Saturday, June 19, 2010

what to take to France, suggestion

Small rucksack (5kg.):
*travel documents
*toiletries bag, filled
*pen + notebook
*camera + other valuables

Suitcase (20kg.) :
*6 changes of underwear and socks
*3 long-sleeved shirts
*3 t-shirts
*2 jumpers/sweatshirts
*2 pairs of trousers
*2 shorts
*2 pairs of pyjamas

*1 towel
*1 pair of trainers, 1 or more pair(s) of shoes
*plastic carrier bag for dirty laundry
* valuables at own risk

Please ensure that all items are clearly named!

June letter parents

Lilongwe, 4th June 2010


Dear parents/guardians,

Thank you very much for having paid the first instalment (and some of you the second one already!) for our trip that promises to be a fantastic one. We are only a few weeks away from the Summer/Winter Break and I would like to send you a polite reminder.

Please pay the 2 remaining instalments on time:

2nd payment MKW 100,000 7th June
3rd payment MKW 140,000 27th August

Thank you very much in advance.

Cheques should be brought in to the financial department by you or your child in person in order to get your receipt immediately. Please address the cheques to Bishop Mackenzie International School, and do not write down “cash” for security reasons, or “BMIS”.

If you haven’t handed in all 4 required copies to our Secondary secretary Miss Kumbukeni Mjuweni (behaviour contract, indemnity form, passport details and instalment slip) please do so asap. Thank you.

For those students needing a visa: the German embassy will take care of a Schengen visa, which is needed for France. Please hand in to Miss Mjuweni the –valid for at least 3 months after the intended return to Malawi!- passports, together with the hereby enclosed application forms first thing after the holiday = Monday 16th August. Do not miss this date. School will take care of international health insurance. For questions regarding filling in the form, please call the German embassy 01772555 or check their website The visas will be free of charge, since we are going on an educational trip. I will take the passports to the German embassy and collect them + visas.

Have a great holiday,

Willem Snieder, trip coordinator.